WATCH week is March 4-8, 2019!

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Share your WATCH week activities to @FBISD_SHAC and @wellgeeks!

The acronym WATCH (Water, Activity, Tobacco, Calories and Healthy Habits) can guide your wellness team’s decisions about your school’s wellness plan. The WATCH award guidebook and the Wellness Calendar from Stephanie Kellam are two great resources to use.  Use the guidebook for WATCH awards to help you implement your plans. Work smarter, not harder! Sometimes the most effective wellness intervention is not the grand, huge event but instead some small strategies integrated into the school day! For example, try adding brain breaks into the classroom or hand washing before lunch! Share your successes with us at @wellgeeks!

And don’t miss our very first series during WATCH week- Personalizing your Campus Wellness Plan! This series will help you prioritize and evaluate your campus plan this year and beyond. Don’t miss it!

WATCH week and WATCH awards can be done separately or together! If you are an FBISD elementary school, be on the lookout for your WATCH week materials (posters and pledges).  If you are a secondary campus, look for those posters. Stephanie Kellam has already emailed out the WATCH week packet with information, ideas, and resources.

Nomita at Wellness Geeks Consultants

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